The Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) at Mt Van Hoevenberg is hosting the US Biathlon Association’s Coach Conference and Training Weekend. Coaches and US Biathlon representatives from across the country are on-site for networking, hands-on workshops, and sport education starting today, May 12 through tomorrow, May 13. The Official Training is this weekend, May 14 and 15, 2022.

This year’s conference is significant for the continued development of biathlon in the US because it is the first such meeting after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Audience member asks a question at the USBA Coaches Conference at Mt Van Hoevenberg, Lake Placid

The Coach Conference features prominent presenters, including Olympians, on topics essential to the success of every biathlete. Mara Smith, CEO of Athlete Minder, a tech start-up that seeks to build athletes’ mental strength, will deliver the keynote address. Four-time Olympian Andy Newell leads a workshop on strength training for Nordic skiers. Rounding out the morning is local Lake Placid Olympians Lowell Bailey, and Tim Burke, offering updates from the US Biathlon Association. The afternoon begins with a roundtable discussion on summer and winter practice techniques for youth in biathlon, followed by a sports nutrition presentation from Megan Chacosky, MS, RD, CSSD, Performance Chef, and Sports Dietitian at the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee. Today ends with an informal networking opportunity.

Tomorrow begins with a strength training presentation from Enrico Perri, Ph.D. of the Italian National Ski Team. Physical therapist, certified athletic trainer, and health and wellness coach Karen Westervelt follows with a presentation titled, “Preventing Injuries in Nordic Athletes.” The afternoon sessions will include a discussion of ski techniques from Head Coach of the US Women’s Biathlon Team, Armen Auchentaller, after which “Rules and Enforcement” will be presented by Lake Placid Native Tracy Lamb, a US Ski Hall of Fame inductee, an elite official for competitions, and Technical Delegate for the International Biathlon Union.

Lamb will also facilitate the two days of the training on Saturday and Sunday. Coaches are encouraged to attend to enhance competition technical knowledge, better prepare athletes for the rules and rigors of competition, and enhance the direction of local and regional competitions.

With members from more than 40 biathlon clubs and associations in 18 states across the United States, the four-day event is an opportunity to bring together sport leaders and prepare them to enhance athlete performance to improve the national competitive environment and set the direction for the development of the sport of biathlon across the nation.